
open class TibiaKtClient(engine: HttpClientEngine?, userAgent: String? = null, additionalConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {})(source)

A coroutine based client to fetch from Tibia.com.



The ktor client engine to use, by default CIO is used.


Additional configuration for the Ktor Client.


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constructor(userAgent: String? = null, additionalConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {})

Creates an instance of the client, using the default engine (CIO).

constructor(engine: HttpClientEngine?, userAgent: String? = null, additionalConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {})


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open suspend fun fetchAuction(auctionId: Int, skipDetails: Boolean = false, fetchItems: Boolean = false, fetchOutfits: Boolean = false, fetchMounts: Boolean = false): TibiaResponse<Auction?>

Fetch an auction from Tibia.com.

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open suspend fun fetchBazaar(type: BazaarType = BazaarType.CURRENT, filters: BazaarFilters? = null, page: Int = 1): TibiaResponse<CharacterBazaar>

Fetch the character bazaar.

open suspend fun fetchBazaar(type: BazaarType = BazaarType.CURRENT, page: Int = 1, filterBuilder: BazaarFiltersBuilder.() -> Unit? = null): TibiaResponse<CharacterBazaar>

Fetch the character bazaar from Tibia.com.

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Fetch the boosted boss of the day as well as the list of bosstable bosses from Tibia.com.

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open suspend fun fetchCharacter(name: String): TibiaResponse<Character?>

Fetch a character.

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open suspend fun fetchCMPostArchive(days: Int, page: Int = 0): TibiaResponse<CMPostArchive>

Fetch CM posts from today to the last specified days.

open suspend fun fetchCMPostArchive(startDate: LocalDate, endDate: LocalDate, page: Int = 0): TibiaResponse<CMPostArchive>

Fetch CM posts between two dates.

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Fetch the creatures section, containing the boosted creature.

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Fetch the events schedule for the current month.

open suspend fun fetchEventsSchedule(year: Int, month: Int): TibiaResponse<EventsSchedule>

Fetch the events schedule for a specific year and month.

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open suspend fun fetchForumAnnouncement(announcementId: Int): TibiaResponse<ForumAnnouncement?>

Fetches a thread from the Tibia.com forum.

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open suspend fun fetchForumBoard(boardId: Int, page: Int = 1, threadAge: Int? = null): TibiaResponse<ForumBoard?>

Fetches a board from the Tibia.com forum.

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open suspend fun fetchForumPost(postId: Int): TibiaResponse<ForumThread?>

Fetches a forum thread containing the specified post.

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Fetches a specific forum section.

open suspend fun fetchForumSection(sectionId: Int): TibiaResponse<ForumSection?>

Fetches a forum section by its internal sectionId.

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open suspend fun fetchForumThread(threadId: Int, page: Int = 1): TibiaResponse<ForumThread?>

Fetches a forum thread from Tibia.com.

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open suspend fun fetchGuild(name: String): TibiaResponse<Guild?>

Fetch a guild by its name.

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open suspend fun fetchHighscoresPage(world: String?, category: HighscoresCategory, vocation: HighscoresProfession = HighscoresProfession.ALL, page: Int = 1, battlEyeType: HighscoresBattlEyeType = HighscoresBattlEyeType.ANY_WORLD, pvpTypes: Set<PvpType>? = null): TibiaResponse<Highscores?>

Fetch a page of the highscores.

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open suspend fun fetchHigscores(world: String?, category: HighscoresCategory, vocation: HighscoresProfession = HighscoresProfession.ALL, battlEyeType: HighscoresBattlEyeType = HighscoresBattlEyeType.ANY_WORLD, pvpTypes: Set<PvpType>? = null): TibiaResponse<Highscores?>

Fetch the entire highscores.

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open suspend fun fetchHouse(houseId: Int, world: String): TibiaResponse<House?>

Fetch a house by its houseId in a specific world.

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open suspend fun fetchHousesSection(world: String, town: String, type: HouseType? = null, status: HouseStatus? = null, order: HouseOrder? = null): TibiaResponse<HousesSection?>

Fetch the houses section for a world and town.

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Fetch the kill statistics for a world.

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open suspend fun fetchLeaderboard(world: String, rotation: Int? = null, page: Int = 1): TibiaResponse<Leaderboard?>

Fetches the Tibia Drome leaderboards for a world.

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open suspend fun fetchNews(newsId: Int): TibiaResponse<News?>

Fetch a specific news article by its newsId.

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open suspend fun fetchRecentNews(days: Int = 30, categories: Set<NewsCategory>? = null, types: Set<NewsType>? = null): TibiaResponse<NewsArchive>

Fetch the news from today to the last provided days.

open suspend fun fetchRecentNews(startDate: LocalDate, endDate: LocalDate, categories: Set<NewsCategory>? = null, types: Set<NewsType>? = null): TibiaResponse<NewsArchive>

Fetch the news for a given interval.

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open suspend fun fetchWorld(name: String): TibiaResponse<World?>

Fetch a world's information.

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Fetch active and in formation guilds in a world.

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Fetch the world overview, containing the list of worlds.

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open suspend fun request(method: HttpMethod, url: String, data: List<Pair<String, Any>> = emptyList(), headers: List<Pair<String, Any>> = emptyList()): HttpResponse

Perform a request using the required headers.