Package-level declarations


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The local time when server save happens.

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The timezone Tibia time is based on.


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fun buildTibiaUrl(section: String, vararg params: Pair<String, Any?>, test: Boolean = false, anchor: String? = null): String
fun buildTibiaUrl(section: String, subtopic: String, vararg params: Pair<String, Any?>, test: Boolean = false, anchor: String? = null): String

Build a URL to

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Clean the string of non-breaking spaces and trims whitespace.

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Find and parse an integer from a string, ignoring everything that is not a digit.

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fun getAuctionUrl(auctionId: Int): String

Get the URL to a specific auction.

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fun getBazaarUrl(type: BazaarType = BazaarType.CURRENT, filters: BazaarFilters? = null, page: Int = 1): String

Get the URL to the character bazaar.

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Get the URL to the Creatures section in

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Get the URL to specific character.

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fun getCMPostArchiveUrl(startDate: LocalDate, endDate: LocalDate, page: Int = 1): String

Get the URL to the CM Post Archive in

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fun <V> Map<String, V>.getContaining(key: String, default: V? = null): V?

Get a mapping's key containing the string.

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Get the URL to the Creatures section in

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fun getCreatureUrl(identifier: String): String

Get the URL to a specific creature in

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fun getEventsScheduleUrl(yearMonth: YearMonth? = null): String

Get the URL to the events schedule.

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fun getForumAnnouncementUrl(announcementId: Int): String

Get the URL to a forum announcement.

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fun getForumBoardUrl(boardId: Int, page: Int = 1, threadAge: Int? = null): String

Get the URL to a forum board.

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fun getForumPostUrl(postId: Int): String

Get the URL of a forum post with a specific postId in

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fun getForumSectionUrl(sectionId: Int): String

Get the URL to a specific forum section.

fun getForumSectionUrl(sectionName: String): String

Get the URL to a specific forum section by its name.

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fun getForumThreadUrl(threadId: Int, page: Int = 1): String

Get the URL to a specific thread in the forums.

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Get the URL to a specific guild.

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fun getHighscoresUrl(world: String?, category: HighscoresCategory = HighscoresCategory.EXPERIENCE_POINTS, vocations: HighscoresProfession = HighscoresProfession.ALL, page: Int = 1, battleEye: HighscoresBattlEyeType = HighscoresBattlEyeType.ANY_WORLD, worldTypes: Set<PvpType>? = null): String

Get the URL to the highscores, with the specified parameters.

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fun getHousesSectionUrl(world: String, town: String, type: HouseType? = null, status: HouseStatus? = null, order: HouseOrder? = null): String

Get the URL to the houses section with the provided parameters.

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fun getHouseUrl(world: String, houseId: Int): String

Get the URL to a house on a specific world.

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Get the URL to the kill statistics of a specific world.

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fun getLastServerSaveTime(currentTime: ZonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime
fun getLastServerSaveTime(currentTime: Instant): Instant

Get the time of the last server save from a currentTime.

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fun getLeaderboardUrl(world: String, rotation: Int? = null, page: Int = 1): String

Get the URL to the Leaderboard of a specific world in

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fun getNewArchiveFormData(startDate: LocalDate, endDate: LocalDate, categories: Set<NewsCategory>? = null, types: Set<NewsType>? = null): List<Pair<String, String>>

Get the post parameters to filter news in the News Archive.

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Get the URL to the News Archive.

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fun getNewsUrl(newsId: Int): String

Get the URL to a specific news article.

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fun getNextServerSaveTime(currentTime: ZonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime
fun getNextServerSaveTime(currentTime: Instant): Instant

Get the time of the next server save from a currentTime.

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fun getStaticFileUrl(vararg path: String, test: Boolean = false): String
fun getStaticFileUrl(path: String, test: Boolean = false): String

Get the URL of a static asset in

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Get the local datetime in Tibia's servers.

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Get the current day of the week in Tibia

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Get the URL to the list of guilds for a specific world.

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Get the URL to the World Overview section.

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Get the URL to a specific world.

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Return null if the string is blank.

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fun <T> List<T>.offsetStart(offset: Int): List<T>

Get a sublist from the receiver, starting at a certain offset.

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Parse a string into an integer, removing any thousand separators.

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Parse a string into a long integer, removing any thousand separators.

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Parses strings with numbers using "k" as suffix to represent thousands.

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Parses a string containing date from into an LocalDate instance.

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fun parseTibiaDateTime(input: String): Instant

Parses a string containing date and time from into an Instant instance.

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fun parseTibiaForumDateTime(input: String): Instant

Parses a string containing a date time from forums into an Instant instance.

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Parses a string containing date from into an LocalDate instance.

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fun String.remove(value: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): String

Remove an arbitrary string from a string, as many times as it is found.

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fun String?.splitList(separator: String = ",", lastSeparator: String = " and "): List<String>

Split a string enumerating elements, using a different separator for the last item.